burger kinge bu sıralar neler oluyor

şu anda maltepedeyim saat 8 de yakalamayı planladığım bir servis vardı. saat 7 de verdiğimiz sipariş tam 8 e beş kala geldi ve ben servisi kaçırdım.

 sonuç: burgerlerin güzel olsada servisiniz gerçekten rezalet. bu durumun aynısı şişli tarafındada oluyor. 1 saat 15 dk sonra gelen burgerleri almamak durumunda kalıyorum. sebep buza kesmiş olmaları. çok gıcık durum.

paranla rezil olmak bu =)

find all columns in oracle named as district_id

I had a problem today. it was about changing all district_id in a whole database. so I need to find who used district_id as column name in tables in oracle.

here is how I find it.
and I changed all values from found tables.

test your disks in linux

I have a linux server which has 2 disks on it. one of them is SSD and other is SATA disk. I wondered how fast is ssd is here is the output 🙂 I should say this test done when server has load on it. pretty nice


one of my dead project which was about endoscopic data capture and saving in mp4 format. which was using blackmagic card to capture all data and it was working in linux with power of QT and ffmpeg.

I was thinking I may publish in google code svn repo. but there is no development plan on it so no need to have any repo. people who need to capture data from blackmagic capture card and save it in video file may find this as helpfull example.

strange java hibernate story from today

today I was developing a new request from customer. its not a big issue just adding a new Boolean field will cover the request and will work happly ever after. I added my new “isActive” field into hbm xml then pojo. and started the app in windows with tomcat maven plugin. there was nothing wrong hibernate started up smoothly and update the table and added my new field into the persistent level. I like hibernate more, everyday 🙂

its just like a dog. best friend of men. which helps for everything and expects only our love 😀 anyway I decided to deploy our new class to server which runs weblogic 11g. I went to ssh and run “svn up” then “mvn install” then went back to weblogic console for updating our big webapp. then I gave the path of war and said update then started the app. then started waiting log to come and make me smile 🙂 and it said there is no getisactive function in the class. I just added and run in my laptop it was working fine. how the hell it happens I have no idea. java and oracle has a lot issues and terminology and keywords. I probably clash with one of them.

then I convert my field name to XboxActive and changed function names respectively. then without trying in my laptop directly deployed it. and it started working. sometime I dont have the power to investigate all details of a problem. and this is one of them 🙂

just a simple note dont use “isActive field ine a complex hibernate spring project if it runs on weblogic” 🙂

publishing and reading from jms

simple java class for reading and writing to weblogic jms.

swt and maven example

Swt does not come from maven repo with the latest version. but you can use this pom to use latest swt version  from nexus testing repo.


for a working example eclipse project visit this

java xsd den class çıkarma

elde bir xsd var ve buna uygun gelen xml lerin java objelerine dönüştürülmesi lazım. bu iş için bi aralar xmlbeans kullanmıştım bakınırken gördümki. jvm e jaxb gelmiş ve başka lib gerektirmeden xml den obje yapılabiliyor.

xsd den clasları generate etmek için

xjc netsis.xsd

bulunulan folder altında generated diye bir foldera gereken classlar çıkar. gelen xml den java objesi yapmak içinde.

ClassLoader cl = ObjectFactory.class.getClassLoader();
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.erke.sm", cl);
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object o = u.unmarshal( new File( "ehe.xml" ) );
NewDataSet nds=(NewDataSet)o;
for(Table t:nds.getTable()){

daha farklı yollarla örnekler.