learning aws is not cheap

 I started studying on aws and created an account just to create and delete resources, I thought deleting free tier instance will stop amazon to charge me, but after all they manage to charge me from something else, and I did not check until now

looks like EC2 but I did not have any instances running then I found


elastic ip address, did not know that I had that, even though I deleted instance they hold the ip under my account, weird







AWS NAT Gateway Pricing

Around 5 cent per hour makes 120 cent per day 36 USD per month 🙂 quite expensive

We can buy a dedicated server for that money or VPS from anywhere, that is just a NAT Gateway price.



got alert yesterday it was showing 76 cent and today it went to 1.04, learning aws is not free 😀 total cost for creating NAT 1.26 below proof



always free cloudresources


Here’s a quick comparison of always-free resources that each cloud vendor offers. It should be obvious this is not a detailed nor an apple-to-apple comparison. The offerings and service names differ between vendors, and so do terms provided by different providers. I only picked the compute, database, and storage options for a quick comparison.

Vendor Compute Databases Storage
AWS 750 hours (1yr only) 25 GB DynamoDB 100 GB storage gateway
Azure 750 hours (1yr only) Azure Cosmos DB (25 GB) 5 GB blob storage (1yr only)
Google 1 e2-micro instance per month Firestore (1 GB per project) 5 GB-months of regional storage
Oracle 4 ARM-based A1 cores and 24 GB memory NoSQL DB (3 tables with 25 GB per table) 10 GB object storage